27 April 2010

I Feel Like I've Grown New Buttocks

I've been sitting at the computer all day writing, composing and sorting out my computer. My bum is numb and my back is curving. However, I did get a bit done: a song that's been annoying to write a verse for has been completed and I'll soon be sending out a load of pictures and songs to go on my website to my friend who's creating it.

While doing all this I played Lord of Ultima which is pretty far up there in term of Geekdom. I like it, you don't have to think much if you don't want to and you can get things done and procrastinate at the same time.

Worth checking out

26 April 2010

The Beginning of the Blog

This blog is for myself, it's a way for me to look back on my past in the future and see how I got to where I've got to. Mostly I'm going to be writing about my struggle to earn a living being a musician but I'll also cover other things that I like such as video games, books, movies and anything else that I'm interested in.

Where I am at the Moment

I've been playing guitar for just over six years and just took my grade six exam a week ago. I've done some teaching and my fair share of gigs but haven't earned much from either. I play in a band for a guy who was in the X-Factor called Mike Hough. It's definitely not the kind of music I listen to on a daily basis but I've still learned a lot about pop song structures (more often than not they're in Ab, handy to know!).

I did a degree in Music Performance and Production, which really did earn the capital letters, and got a 2-1. My final assignment was to create an album, clips of which will be on my website when I get it up and running. The final product was a mix of funk, jazz and jamming that really reflected my playing style at college well.

Since then I've been working on more music that I will hopefully record later this year if I get some equipment together. these songs include rock, metal, jazz, funk, fretless and acoustic guitar work. At some point I want to learn to sing; I had lessons in my first year of college and enjoyed them even though I was pretty bad and nervous most of the time. But I don't know if I want to go the whole way and get a teacher, even though that would be the best and quickest way to learn.

Anyway, that's the first one. I'm going to try and update this whenever I can, hopefully at least once a week.