26 April 2010

The Beginning of the Blog

This blog is for myself, it's a way for me to look back on my past in the future and see how I got to where I've got to. Mostly I'm going to be writing about my struggle to earn a living being a musician but I'll also cover other things that I like such as video games, books, movies and anything else that I'm interested in.

Where I am at the Moment

I've been playing guitar for just over six years and just took my grade six exam a week ago. I've done some teaching and my fair share of gigs but haven't earned much from either. I play in a band for a guy who was in the X-Factor called Mike Hough. It's definitely not the kind of music I listen to on a daily basis but I've still learned a lot about pop song structures (more often than not they're in Ab, handy to know!).

I did a degree in Music Performance and Production, which really did earn the capital letters, and got a 2-1. My final assignment was to create an album, clips of which will be on my website when I get it up and running. The final product was a mix of funk, jazz and jamming that really reflected my playing style at college well.

Since then I've been working on more music that I will hopefully record later this year if I get some equipment together. these songs include rock, metal, jazz, funk, fretless and acoustic guitar work. At some point I want to learn to sing; I had lessons in my first year of college and enjoyed them even though I was pretty bad and nervous most of the time. But I don't know if I want to go the whole way and get a teacher, even though that would be the best and quickest way to learn.

Anyway, that's the first one. I'm going to try and update this whenever I can, hopefully at least once a week.

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