First off, I've changed the look of the blog. This was because the last look had broken segments and, while it did look nice, it was a bit all over the place. The new one is a bit simpler and will suit me for the time being.
This got me thinking about how much more things look affects the way we would perceive something than how something sounds. Music has been becoming more visual since the television became a staple of every family's living room. Now, with the internet a staple of every family's house, YouTube has become the greatest place to find free music of all time. Just for some examples I can see a live performance of Frank Zappa here, Dizzie Rascal playing Bulls on Parade here and The Black Mages with an orchestra to the tune of One Winged Angel here. Coincidently, I added the picture of the Ghostbusters once the blog was written, it was something that came up in Google images after searching for "Music Video" and since I'd watched this today I thought I should leave it in.
I think that while music will always be sound, the way it will be enjoyed will forever be connected to the visual. As a musician I like to see what the guitarists, drummers, singers et al are doing when they perform. For non-musicians there will certainly be a different level of understanding and another reason for watching music be created on the spot. It certainly makes me think about how I should go about getting my own music on there.
I've been playing even more Ultima recently and I think I'm probably going to end up fusing with my chair and keyboard chewing on my desk for sustenance.
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